I have been having problems with my computer and as a result haven't been able to post as often as I would like. So, in my head is a scrambled bit of tid-bits that have been fermenting for a couple of days.
I love Halloween. Someone on Halloween asked "Is that your costume?" I responded truthfully, "I would dress up everyday if people wouldn't look at me funny, so I guess for today, 'yes, this is my costume.'" C and I talked about what we were going to do that night. Dancing of course seemed like the obvious choice, so we asked around to all of our gay friends for suggestions on where to go. After a busy afternoon of running around, we returned home for dinner, took off our hot costumes, watched some TV, finished our vampire-detective novel and went to bed. Not a bad day, but we still need to go dancing.
Our friend Carol, pictured above in the white nighty was "Dead to the world". Sadly, she looked much like my mother. And sadly, she acted much like my mother when she was on her 'nerve' pills. My mother had a little problem with 'nervous breakdowns' when I was a kid, and as a result she had an unending prescription to some anxiety med. So when she 'couldn't take it any more' she would just take a couple of extra of her 'mother's little helpers' and drag her feet around the house doing the Thorazine-(ozzy)-shuffle...or if you were around Friday, the Carol-shuffle. I have to report that my mother did get herself off the pills in her 60's. Kudos to her. Now if we could just get her to an alanon meeting.
Back to the photo, Josh on the right was a trailer-park granny(Can someone take me to Walmart later?), and the lovely Chris being 'Pimp-Daddy' meant that I had to be, ahem, 'Yo-ho-Ho'.
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