Sunday, July 13, 2008


Yesterday was my last day at the VT. Now on to bigger and better things. Like trying to catch up on my homework and trying to get my paperwork together for my appointment for financial assistance at the hospital. Last year when I had my appointment, they only needed about half as much as usual paperwork...this time they need 10 times as who the hell holds onto their last 4 check stubs? Not me...just because of laziness, I happen to have three, and just out of luck I actually found them. Then there is the whole craziness of proving that the money in my banking account is student loans, that have to go to pay for SCHOOL...not extra money I had hanging out in my underwear drawer that I was going to use to go to the Bahamas. Oi. I hate paperwork. I hate it. I can not be Zen about it. Not at this point in time anyway. But fortunately, I no longer have a real job and I can concentrate on arbitrary paperwork and on my studies.

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