Saturday, September 27, 2008
What am I doing, and why am I here?

Saturday, September 20, 2008
wishing i had a waterproof camera
Thursday, September 18, 2008
yes, yes, I need to get a life...
Monday, September 15, 2008
jemez 012

Friday, September 12, 2008
spiritual malaise
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
zen or not to zen?

In my last job I came across a woman who is a psychologist, but she specializes in spirituality, and I was thinking that maybe it was time to pay her a professional visit. I can live with just about anything when my spiritual life is in order, and the truth is, I am doing fine as is, but I know it can be better- and it has been better. I want that back.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
She had called me on my birthday and left a message (I was out of town), and then she called a couple of other times without leaving a message. Guilt got the better of me, and it felt less straining to just deal with whatever dysfunction she might present than wrestle with my guilt.
Happily, we had a decent conversation. The gist of which can be summed up with, "I am really happy mom...and I'm in love."
"That is so wonderful honey; if my baby is happy, I am happy." 'scuse me while I retch. It's great that I have a mother who wants to be somehow involved in my life, it's a shame she happens to smoother me in the process...and it's a shame she wasn't there for me when I needed her. oh well, what ya gonna do?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Wo bin ich? (probably completely wrong grammar)
Friday, September 5, 2008
thoughts from Taos

I have kept very little of my work, so most people I've met down here don't know that I was actually a pretty good artist at time. Perhaps another time I will share the story, but for now just know that I pretty muchly completely stopped doing visual art after I graduated from college. I could have easily gotten into graduate school with my photos or my paintings, but at the time the only career options having a MFA would give you was to teach, and at the time I had no desire to do so, so I didn't pursue graduate school.
I often think that I should start doing art again, so I go and buy fancy pencils, nice paper, canvas etc, but I rarely do more than doodle. Because of allergy issues I've only thought of getting a darkroom in passing. Of late, I have been seeing a lot of "art" that is done with a digital camera, so I have been opening up to the idea that digital photography is a legitimate art form. With that in mind, while we were in Taos, I started thinking about composition and took a number of pictures. Composition used to be something I didn't even have to think about...that is no longer true. Anyway, I took some pictures, some of which were decent. And I hope to take more, hopefully which will eventually be more than decent.
As per request...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
the strange things mothers say
So here we are, 2008. When I went back to visit my mother in May, I intentionally avoided political discussions. It was her who brought up politics over mashed potatoes at the cafe. I don't care if it's Hilary or Obama, I am NOT voting for a republican after all the problems Bush has caused!" Coming from my mother who has always been a republican and a racist, I was quite bewildered and disbelieving of her comments. She also berated my sister who worships the ground that bush walks on in spite of the fact that her son, who had been honorable discharged AND already been over to Iraq, was called back to do yet another tour.
Times they are a changing.
Monday, September 1, 2008
people who inspire me...