Wow! How does life get away from me so quickly? I guess blogging isn't my life, but you know what I mean. The other day when I was out kayaking with my friend Sheila, I was telling her about some one's blog and she asked what blogging really was. Without really thinking about it, the words flew out of my mouth, "An opportunity for narcissism!" And, to a degree, I believe in my answer...there is much more to it than that, but there is certainly that point. My answer made me want to think about why I blog for a while before I got back to it. I still might have to think about it for a while.
1 comment:
I want to read it.
A quote from Joko Beck (that Zen book you returned to me, page 232-3):
"Our lives are basically about perception. By perception I mean whatever the senses bring in. ...that's what life really is. Most of the time, however, we substitute another activity for perception, which I'll call evaluation. By evaluation, I don't mean an objective, dispassionate analysis--as for example when we look over a messy room and consider or evaluate how to clean it up. The evaluation I have in mind is ego centered: 'Is this next episode of my life going to bring me something I like, or not? Is it going to hurt, or isn't it? Is it pleasant or unpleasant? Does it make me important or unimportant? Does it give me something material?" It's our nature to evaluate in this way. To the extent that we give ourselves over to evaluation of this kind, joy will be missing from our lives."
Maybe it doesn't apply, but I just read it. : )
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