Chris and I have been talking about getting rings for a while. On our trip home from Phoenix we stopped at a gas station in Gallup and found matching mood rings. Yes, cheesy...I'll give you a moment to make smarty pants comments. OK, done yet? Are you sure? OK, so where was I? Ah yes, our "promise rings"...
We have been looking at some very lovely rings at IMEC, but we were waiting. It's not like we were waiting for anything...we were just waiting because we knew we would be bombarded by the "Uh, how long have you guys been together? Three weeks?" comments. Last week, however, we decided to go ahead and order our rings.
Chris was thinking that I wasn't all that excited when we did the deed, but there was a reason. See, for the first time ever, I want to marry the girl that I'm in love with (as you may have picked up from my recent blogs). With that in mind, I didn't want to just get rings and not really have the significance behind them of wedding rings. I wanted them to mean more than that, cuz lets face it; these days most lesbians who have made it past the three week mark are sporting bands on their 'ring' fingers (and yes, I have been guilty of this as well-so sue me). This time it is different for me; I can see myself with this woman for the rest of my life...not just until it sucks a few years down the road.
So what is a girl to do? On Chris' birthday earlier this week, I decided that I needed to do what I could to make this special. Our rings were already picked out and ordered, we were already wearing our 'promise rings', so I stammered and stuttered about how I was having a dilemma, and after I had thoroughly frightened her, I got down on one knee and and said, "I don't know when, where, or how, but I want you to be my wife." (Fortunately she said 'yes')
I figure we will have to settle for a commitment ceremony for now. Perhaps we will plan a trip to one of the states where gay marriage is legal, but at the moment I worry that during the next elections in that particular state, they'll decide to ban gay marriage...so we'll see. But in the mean time, we are engaged, and that is the important part.
You two are about the cutest damn thing ever.
And congrats, my dear!
Whoopee! So what kind of cake do you want?
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