Wednesday, October 1, 2008

in response to the last blog...

My friend Lydia (who, as it turns out, I was just talking about to Chris as we perused the aisles at Cost-Plus) sent me this via email.

Hi Lu!
I don't have a blogger account and so can't comment on your blog, but
this is what I wrote and tried to send:
You began blogging because you wanted to learn to speak up about what
was going on in your life. You wanted to throw out your ideas to the
world and notice that neither the world nor you will fall apart as a
result of saying what is on your mind. ... and of course, as Jeremy
points out, you might also write something that other people want to read.
So are you now confident that you can speak up about who you are and
what you think at any time? If so, blogging has done the first job you
asked it to do.
Is it narcissistic? A bit. Does that matter? Not at all. If you were
forcing us to read your texts, that would be one thing. But all you do
is put it out there. If we want to catch it and read it, then it's all
good for us.
So stop or continue as you like, but don't stop because you think there
is something wrong with blogging.

So, thank you to Jeremy and Lydia. Hmm, both of you have a "y" in your name. I'm sure that has some sort of signifigance. Or perhaps I just need another chocolate chip cookie. ...and that is what happens when you write what you are thinking.

Focus. Has blogging done the job? It has gotten me on the path, but there is much work to be done, so I will write on!!!

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