Oh so many things on my mind. Where to start. Carol. I have a couple Carols in my life, I love them both. Have you ever noticed that sometimes people with the same name, have very similar characteristics, or perhaps, you just have similar reactions to these people with the same name. For example, I can scarcely think of a "Brad" that I don't have a dislike for, there are a few, but most; uh-uh.
Then we have the Carols. Yesterday, I had a nice encounter with both of my Carols. Carol J nearly made herself throw-up she laughed so hard at our bantering, which started with her teasing Chris that she and I had moved in a week after knowing each other (hey, it was almost 2 months). I then informed her that C and I were going to get each others' names tattooed on our wedding ring fingers. I think that was what sent her over the edge, or perhaps it was when I said, "On our one year anniversary we are going to get each others names tattooed on our necks." (It may have been the dead-pan delivery which may have made her question whether or not I was serious...)
Carol S I ran into at a metaphysical bookstore. I thought she had a soar throat, but it was Yom Kippor; color me ignorant. We didn't get to talk much with her not being able to speak, but I always get a warm and wonderful greeting from Carol S, so it was quite wonderful to run into her.
Which led into another thought...when I was single and decided I would start dating again, I was trying to think of what kind of woman I wanted to date. In trying to figure this out, I thought about all of the women that I really liked, and what it was that they had in common. They were all quite different in characteristics, but they were all very open hearted women, and the common denominator was that they were all Jewish, so logically, I decided I needed to find a good Jewish girl. My Jewish mother, Diane, went to work on finding me a nice girl, but was finding that they were all taken. Fortunately, another friend, (OMG! Who also happens to be Jewish) introduced me to Chris, who although not Jewish happens to share a similar spirtiual path to mine (The Holy Church of Jespah and Chicks who Kick Ass). So, all is right with the world.
1 comment:
I do think we have pre-dispositions to names. I've never liked the name Carol... though I've never really known any (none that leap to mind). I've only known one or two other Jeremys, though, and they were all rather different.
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