So this year, Self Serve's Pornotopia is going to also have an 'erotic' art show attached to it. I wasn't planning on entering it, but the ladies encouraged me to enter some art work, so I dug through the piles to find something suitable. I found a couples pieces to submit for consideration, and then it came; the fear of rejection. I have been out of the art world for mannnnnny years, and two things have happened in those intervening years: 1. I'm simply not as skilled at making art (I'm not being hard on myself, I am simply out of practice and it shows), 2. I'm no longer defended against the particular form of rejection that comes from submitting art work, and having it not accepted. I don't mind not having my pieces accepted, but it's hard to navigate those automatic feelings of worthlessness that like to pop up unbidden. On the good side, if I do get rejected, I don't have to come up with anything intelligent to say about my pieces.

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