Thursday, April 10, 2014


Steven Brust. That's the name of the author I referenced in the last post. The Vlad series. Great write, very, love, love.

So, on another note, what IS my contingency plan? I've been doing prereqs for 3/4 of a year, and I may not get accepted into this program. If not, what next? I feel like I've been in transition...well, for a long time. The ground keeps moving under my feet. But I'm getting my sea legs...the ground keeps moving but I'm not falling on my ass as much. But where is my horizon, and where is my compass? Not that I really know how to use a compass...

I think part of the problem, is that I don't really recognize when things feel "right." It happens every now and then...massage school, my wife, my tattoo sleeve...but by and large, it's just not there. Or maybe it is and I don't recognize it, or I ignore it, or it's drowned out by all the clutter in my head. So, what is right? On that note, I will close my eyes and see if the answer seeps into my head.

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