Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So, last year I took a couple of workshops in Shamanic Journeying, and last year for Christmas I requested and received a book entitled Temples of Light, which is basically a book on journeying to various sacred temples in Egypt. Each temple has a specific lesson of sorts, and a writing exercise that follows. The writing from a few days back was examining lessons that I was quite through with, and looking at the lesson or manifestation that I was now ready for. Listed below are those things that I am now embracing:

I trust in myself, my abilities, and in the universe to take care of me.

I am surrounded by abundance. I welcome prosperity into my life in all of its positive manifestations.

My body is whole and healthy. I am comfortable and content in my body. Health and comfort serve me.

I am responsible for my actions, and my actions only. I can take responsibility for my actions in a confident way; making amends where needed.

I complete tasks at hand and embrace success and recognition. I manifest thought into completed action with ease and confidence.

I'll let you know how these go...

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