Monday, October 10, 2011


Hmmm, well don't have much to say at the moment, but I want to continue the habit of writing every day, so here I am. We have spent a long weekend out of town. It was nice to leave the computer, the telephone, and TV access at home. Too often I use the devices to disconnect from my life. They are a drug. (and yes, I am on the computer now, but only to do quick crack-book check, and a quick blog check in, then back to RL)

I've thought a lot about what I want to manifest in my life over these past couple of days of having no external distractions. One thing I know I need to work on in my life is reducing distractions. There are so many things/projects i would like to engage in, but there never seems to be enough time...but guess what? There always seems to be time to watch some stupid-ass tv show, or look up some asinine crap on the computer. So, my return home resolution is to spend more time actively engaged in life.

So, who wants to take fencing lessons with me?

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