I'm out visiting my friends John and Marsha and Dakota Bell at their farm . (pix to come) It has been a nice trip...and I have enjoyed much good beef. Mom and I are having a nice visit...more on that later. And many more pix to come...all is well in the land of rain and birdies.
All right kids, the last photo (but first uploaded-go figure)is of the draw just up from John and Marsha's house. I had to get some chokecherry branches for my Medicine Woman friend, Elena. Up on top/Lt we have the view from their front step, next a cow-poop in the chokecherry 'grove', and M-J-& Me. I had a wonderful T-bone from one of J&M's neighbors' cow--it was tasty and delicious.
I'm looking forwards to seeing those photos. I was trying to recall what I know about ND scenery and I realised that all I "know" comes from the Little House series... so if you'd like to update me by a century and some, that'd be great! Lydia
I haven't found my doppelganger in the newspaper you gave me, Lu. I did find what appeared to me a deranged guy with weird eyes though. maybe that was me.
I'm not sure where it was actually filmed, but the setting was southern Minnesota...which, prairie-wise looks very similar. Western ND, however boasts the Badlands. And it is still very rural, and the century and a half hasn't changed things a whole lot I'm afraid!
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