Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
rant, rant, rant...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I am grateful for...
I haven't shared a holiday meal with Sheila in a long time, and I haven't kept the tradition alive in my travels. I think this Chris chick would be open to continuing on the tradition. To get things started, here is a short list...
I am grateful for the people in my life who make me laugh, for all of the Love from all of my friends, for Saigon Restaurant and the many friends I have shared meals with there, for the ability to ride a motorcycle, for Enya (yes, I'm a freak), for my cool tattoos, for BSG, for my internship, for my gym membership, for the burned cookies my mom sent me, for my Home, and for finding my Soul Mate.
Your turn...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The diet pill is wearing off...
What I didn't say during my rant yesterday about losing weight, is what my weight loss goal is. I don't want to have a 28" waist. I really just want to be able to comfortably get into my Wranglers (33", if I remember correctly) again. There was a time in my life that I thought I should have a 28" waist, but I've gotten over it.
I learned about weight loss goals from my sister, Kathy. Kathy, who 9 years older than me has been obsessed with her weight since as long as I can remember. My two role models for what a woman's figure should be like came from her, and from my mother who lived on cigarettes and black coffee (because she was 'too nervous to eat' if you need a refresher on that you can reference Autobiography). These two women were always there to let me know that I was getting fat, or that I was going to be as fat as my father. Of course they didn't stop to think that my father's gut was the result of chronic alcoholism, not an eating disorder. So with a little help b them I became convinced that I was horribly overweight, but as I found out years later; I was not.
On the bright side, my sister's obsession with her weight may have saved me from being a drug addict. Back in the day, diet pills were still over-the-counter speed, and at the ripe old age of 16, my sister was shop lifting diet pills to keep her weight down (not to mention starving herself). One day, I got off the bus from another thrilling day of second grade to find the ranch rather quiet. Mom and dad were off at some Artex convention, where mom would be receiving yet another crown for having the highest sales in the region. It was still early fall so the garage door was open, and the screen door was the only door closed into the house. As I reached for the knob, I saw my sister cross from the hallway into the living room. I only saw her for a second but I had seen enough to have my gut tell me I needed to hide. She had been walking on her knees, her eyes were glassy and not just from the sobbing she was doing, and she was mumbling words that I couldn't understand.
I was terrified and I was alone. My brother Jimmy should have been home, but I had no idea where. I hid in the garage, afraid to move and afraid to call out. Wrapped up tight in my suffocating, eternal terror I waited for someone to come rescue me. Eventually my brother came stomping into the garage, his red hair practically ablaze with his intensity. Without a word he ushered me quickly down the basement stairs. He quietly opened the door, got us both in, and closed the door behind us. "Kathy overdosed on her god-damned diet pills. Keep quiet and stay here." With that he ran up the stairs and into the house. I could hear his cowboy boots clomping through the house, as he did whatever it was he was doing. Finally I heard him clanging things around in the silverware drawer.
Eventually, he came down to get me and brought me back upstairs. I really didn't want to be in the house, but I was much more at ease with Jimmy around than being alone. After yelling at Kathy to stay the frak away from me, in a rare moment of domesticity, Jimmy made us both peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and returned to the table where he had instructed me to sit, and we played go-fish. I tried to ignore Kathy, who was still making her rounds around the house on her knees in between bouts of violently throwing up in the toilet.
While we played our game the phone rang. Jimmy got up from the table and picked up the wall phone from next to the door. It was my parents. He told them of Kathy's 'episode', and proceeded to tell them that he had hidden all of the knives because he was afraid that she would try to kill me (uh, Jimmy? what you're doing is not helping with that whole 'terror' thing).
Long story short, Kathy didn't kill me, and eventually she passed out and was back to her normal crazy self. And I never-ever wanted to do drugs.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Hey Brenda

Repent your failed resolutions!

it's alive!
It wasn't on either of our lists, but we couldn't resist picking up a new game from Active Imagination; Redneck Life. The object of the game is to be the one with the most teeth at the end of the game. You just can't go wrong with a game like that. We did play a quick game before I passed out last rocked. My favorite card, "Try experimental home dental procedure. Lose 2 teeth. Dang."
Friday, December 19, 2008
my exciting life
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Snow day

Sunday, December 14, 2008
What kind of cake?
(Hey Lisa, I'm assuming from your comment that you will let us hire you for the cake?) :)
letting go, part 2
For those who don't know, my dad died 17 years ago. After his brother died, he and I lived in 'town' at his brothers house, and whenever there was an estate sale, he and I would go. At one of these auctions he bought me an old military sword (the one from the dream). After his death, I had to get rid of a lot of things fast, because I simply didn't have a place for all of the stuff...and there was a lot of it. There are many things I got rid of that I regret getting rid of, but the sword wasn't something I was going to let go of.
A few years back I was in a relationship with R. We lived in a small studio apartment so I had to find a place to store my non-essentials. She offered to keep my things out at her trailer on the Rez. After we broke up I had her take me out there to pick up my things. When I went to get the sword my father had given me, she started arguing that I had given it to her. In no reality that I walked in had I given the sword to her, but by that point I was so sick of arguing with her, I just gave in, rolled my eyes and said, "whatever." It was a bad move on my part, but again, I was sick of arguing, and with this particular girl friend, everything came out of my mouth was subject to argument and I just couldn't take it anymore.
Since that time, the regret of loosing this one thing I had left that my father had consciously gifted to me, has haunted me. After waking up with this dream, I knew I needed to contact her about the sword. So I got out of bed at 4:57 am and I came down to the computer to email her. My slow starting computer gave me the opportunity to re-hearse my email enough times to free it from anger and/or guilting techniques, and just state the facts. I know that I have to let go of any expectations and just accept whatever she decides to do, but I do feel better that I have stated my claim, rather than just letting this go without standing up for myself.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Don't you know it's winter?!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Er, Uhm, Chris?

Sunday, December 7, 2008
What we CAN do!
Other EQNM News
This is a time of transition for Equality New Mexico. The National Organizations that have heavily supported us over the last few years have made California Proposition 8 their number one priority. What does that mean for EQNM? It means that EQNM will have to operate with one third of the budget it expected. It means that the Board of Directors has had to take extraordinary measures to slash costs and significantly step up our New Mexico fund-raising efforts.
(from me)
EQNM is working hard on getting NM to pass a domestic partnership bill. With their budget cuts, they really need our support. Every little bit helps, and if you don't have $ to spare, they are basically operating with one person, so if you can volunteer your time, your copy machine, will help. You can make a difference!
Toy Run

oh yeah, more on the boycott front
Too early to think.
I had one of those nights where everything kept waking me up, so I'm not quite sure I capable of writing anything particularly interesting or coherent. So, how about you just check out the little ditty above. I will warn you that if your computer is running a little slow, you will probably have trouble loading it, but it's worth the wait.
Peace and Love my Friends.
Oh yeah, Chris and I are planning on going on a Toy Run this morning. I will try to remember to take pictures.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
zipping along

I was sad to have missed Jeannette and Megan on our trip, but I am sure we will have another opportunity to meet. Perhaps for the Santa Cruz trip around January 16. (Yes, I know I said I was going to boycott CA, but I already had my tattoo planned...besides I'm sure Teresa didn't vote for Prop H8)...and I still haven't heard from LA Ink. :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
God bless us and save us...
Chris always cracks me up when she does her "God bless us and save us said Mrs O'Davis" in her Irish/Boston combo accent. The phrase comes from her mother, so on the trip I had to take the opportunity to make everyone say it for blog. In the photo is Chris' niece Tracy, Chris, Chris' Mom Mrs Helen, and big sister Sally. It was really nice to be around a family who obviously loved one another. It was quite refreshing as a matter of fact. Thanks Mrs. O'Davis.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving adventures

Photos to come, but not today. I got to meet the in laws, and everyone was great. Chris' sister Sally is a hoot. While there, Winkle got her furry little toes spoiled off...and EVERYONE loved her...and she was so calm. Winkle is a dog who needs a human around a lot more than I am. It made me feel rather guilty about her situation, and if Sally became serious about "Winkle can come live with Auntie Sally", I would gladly pack her little suitcase because I know how much happier Wink is with a full time mommy (and a pool!).
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Answering Machines
I thought of this because of an answering machine greeting that frequently triggers in my head when I have forgotten what I'm doing. I used to do reminder calls at one of my jobs so I got to hear many greetings, and my favorite being from Debbie; "I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing, but please leave a message." I feel like I should have that tattooed on my forehead.
Is this a step above "the cute thing that my kittie did today"?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Stupid class and boycotts
Class #2, Human Sexuality. Ok, now you would think this would be a cool right? Yeah. Well, it is sooo not. Chapter 8, Homosexuality. "Umm, we'll get to that later."
Excuse me? Later?!
Well, it's later, and there is no time for the homosexuality chapter. She also neglected to show the scheduled homo movie for that chapter. What do we take our time up with instead?
Well, there was that 2-hour space taken up by splitting us into four groups to build penises and vaginas out of toilet paper tubes and puff balls. And there was the hour spent passing around ancient contraceptives, that I had to explain the usage of to her. Yeah. This is my $1300 hard at work. I am happy to note that everyone is pissed off about this class, particularly about having their intelligence insulted weekly.
On another note: Let the boycotts continue. Cinemark and Century Rio both contributed to Prop H8. For those of us in Burque, that means the only "dollar theatre". If your going to go, at least sneak in your own snacks cuz that is where they make their money anyway.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Doing our part for the economy

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
12 good lines

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Following the X
Haplogroup K
Interestingly, her descendants gave rise to several different subgroups, some of which exhibit very specific geographic they harbor specific European, northern African, and Indian components, and are found in Arabia, the northern Caucasus Mountains, and throughout the Near East.
While some members of your haplogroup headed north into Scandinavia, or south into North Africa, most members of your group moved northward out of the Near East. These women crossed the rugged Caucasus Mountains in southern Russia, and moved on to the steppes of the Black Sea. Interestingly, your haplogroup is also very significant because some specific lineages within this group constitute three of the four major Ashkenazi Jewish founding lineages.
Interestingly, they used "interestingly" twice in a short space of words. I don't know at the moment that I feel like I have a better sense of 'where I come from', but it's a start, and when I'm not under a pile of homework I will study up on this further.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Yet another Passionate statement
Drag Queen Bingo!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I wept

Friday, November 14, 2008
Reminder to self...

I Love this woman and I want to marry her...that is why this is my reminder as to why I am so furious about the many states who decided to pass legislation banning gay marriage. This is my reminder as to why I am not going to let this issue go. This is my reminder that I am coming from a place of the Heart, not a place of Hate. This is my reminder that I have a greater capacity for Love and Joy than hate and fear.
And these people need a big ol kiss...
Apple giving $100,000 to anti-Prop. 8 campaign
Donating on behalf of same-sex marriage is seen as risky for a consumer goods firm.
By Michelle Quinn October 25, 2008
Reporting from San Francisco -- Apple Inc. said Friday that it was donating $100,000 to fight the proposed ban on same-sex marriages in California, taking a rare political stand that may win over some customers and irk others.The computer and gadget maker joined such companies as Google Inc., Qualcomm Inc. and Pacific Gas & Electric Co. in declaring opposition to Proposition 8, which would define marriage as only between a man and woman.
"We strongly believe that a person's fundamental rights -- including the right to marry -- should not be affected by their sexual orientation," Apple said.Wading into a social issue with a six-figure donation is unusual and risky for a company that sells goods primarily to consumers, according to marketing and corporate governance experts. Although Apple has long pitched itself as a counterculture brand, products such as the iPod and iPhone have brought it into the mainstream.
Let the Boycotts begin!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Kwan Yin

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Just for a change
SATURDAY • NOVEMBER 15 • 7 PM • TALK AND BOOK SIGNINGJane LindskoldTHIRTEEN ORPHANSAs evocative and moving as Charles de Lint’s Newford books, with the youthful protagonists and exciting action of Mercedes Lackey’s fantasies, Thirteen Orphans makes our world today as excitingly strange and unfamiliar as any fantasy realm. . . and grants readers a glimpse of a fantasy world founded by ancient Chinese lore and magic.As far as college freshman Brenda Morris knows, there is only one Earth and magic exists only in fairy tales. But Brenda is wrong.A father-daughter weekend turns into a nightmare when Brenda’s father is magically attacked before her eyes. Brenda soon learns that her ancestors once lived in world of smoke and shadows, of magic and secrets. When that world’s Emperor was overthrown, the Thirteen Orphans fled to our earth and hid their magic system in the game of mah-jong. Each Orphan represents an animal from the Chinese Zodiac. Brenda’s father is the Rat. And her polished, former child-star aunt, Pearl—that eminent lady is the Tiger.Only a handful of Orphans remain to stand against their enemies. The Tiger, the Rooster, the Dog, the Rabbit . . . and Brenda Morris. Not quite the Rat, but not quite human either. (Tor Books)Jane Lindskold is the bestselling author of the Firekeeper series, which began with Through Wolf’s Eyes and concluded with Wolf’s Blood, as well as many other fantasy novels. She lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico
We'll Be Back! (insert Ah-nold accent)

Three people can make a difference, right? This is America, after all!
Monday, November 10, 2008
It's Raining Men
11/6/08; the County of Santa Clara filed a lawsuit with San Francisco and Los Angeles that petitions the California Supreme Court to direct State officials to refrain from implementing, enforcing or applying Proposition 8. The lawsuit asserts that: "the California Constitution does not allow a bare majority of voters to divest a minority group of rights conferred by the equal protection clause. The 1911 Amendment to the California Constitution creating the initiative process provides that, while initiatives can amend the Constitution to help further its purpose, initiatives cannot be used to revise its basic structure, which includes the notion of equality. Thus, Proposition 8 is not a valid constitutional amendment."
Tonight I ran into a friend who said to me, "this California thing is taking away your civil rights...this is America, you can't just do that." From the mouths of babes. I know we have come a long way in some ways, but I'm not satisfied with things being 'a little better than they used to be'...I will not be satisfied until we won't feel the need to have "Pride" parades because we have the same rights and the same responsibilities as everyone else, because we will be equal, because we will be considered 'normal'. Oh hell, we should still have parades because we're all attention whores. And we will continue to dress up like fairies and prance around in leather and/or lace to celebrate the hero's who finally stood up to the arrests, the demoralizations, the rapes, and the beatings at the hands of the police and said "No more!" the day of the Stonewall Riots.
Tonight a classmate told of being in Paris and the one lesbian float was playing It's Raining Men..."How sad was that?!"
Very sad Scott, very.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A perfect illustration of my point...and I do have one
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Married until proven otherwise

A couple weeks before Katie and T went to CA to get married, we were at a BBQ together. Seeing Chris and I being all ga-ga over each other, she said to us, "You know, T and I have been together for 7 years and we still wake up in Love with each other every morning. I wish that for you guys."
How often do we encounter couples who are so in Love? How is it that a group of people can say to these beautiful, Loving women, "No, you can't get married because the Bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman." Excuse me, marriage wasn't invented by the Christians. I'm not going to go on a historical rant about what marriage is and has been, but I will say; lets not forget that it wasn't that long ago that caucasians weren't allowed to marry people of color...based on something that the bible supposedly said. Where do we draw the line? If you want to quote the bible, let us not forget the passage where Lot and his daughters engage in incest, but nobody is fighting to legalize incest because 'the bible said so.' And I'm sure good Christians will argue context on that, but lets face it, it is purely hypocritical to argue "context" only on the issues one chooses to.
Marriage isn't solely an institution for Christians, otherwise only Christians would be getting married. Love is a Human Right, as is Marriage. It is time to cut the bull$#*! and dispense Rights equally.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Justice for All
Response from my niece, Jeanette. Wow. Made me cry a little…
I was so sad to wake up this morning to see that not only my home state but my new adopted state are supporting hatred and fear. People around school today had all sorts of explanations about why Prop 8 passed but there is only one- the American people are not as tolerant as they would wish the world to believe. I often ride the city bus to school and have the opportunity to speak to a wide variety of humans. Yesterday I spoke to an African-American couple who were offended when I compared this fight to the civil rights movement. They could not see the correlation between a movement promoting equal rights for all races to a movement promoting equal rights for all sexual orientation. How do you make people see that? I've heard people blame Prop 8 passing on religious groups but I don't think that's necessarily the case. I think there's still a culture of closeted/latent hatred and disgust towards homosexuality and it takes elections like this to bring that out in the open. It just saddens me to know that the state and country in which I choose to live is not living up a basic idea that we learned in grade school- liberty and justice FOR ALL. I love you much,Jeanette
And I agree with Jeanette. It's not just the religious right (wrong). It is the everyday folks who have it stuck in their heads that marriage is something only for them ("normal" and "straight" being their belief). Case in point, a man that I worked with who "had no problem with gay people", and in fact I have a great relationship with said to me one day "I understand that these people want to get married, but they don't get that marriage just isn't for them...they have to do something else." The question I didn't ask because I was so flabbergasted was, "Why isn't it for us?"
And or course this brings up the question of "what is marriage?" There are many answers of course, but historically, it has much to do with ownership (particularly ownership of women) and/or creating alliances. So are straight people who oppose gay marriage just afraid that by forming these strong gay-alliances through marriage we will pull a William Wallace and overthrow the straights???
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
(sigh) (rant)
There was a time not so long ago when I didn't really care about gay marriage. I mean, certainly I wanted us to have the same legal rights as straight people, but marriage just seemed like a hassle. Today though, I want to be able to marry my girl friend if I so choose, and I so choose. We plan on waiting a while, but we know we both want to get married...but our chances for being able to do so are looking slimmer and slimmer. Certainly we could do a commitment ceremony, but, lets face it; commitment ceremonies are a table scraps, they're the cheap imitation knock-off. I don't want SPAM, I want a pork chop. I want the same legal rights as my siblings, my neighbors, my countrymen. I pay my income tax, I pay sales tax, I vote, I abide by the laws; so why is it that I don't get the same legal rights as the other 90% of the American population? When anyone can call their roommate their 'domestic partner', domestic partnership is nothing but a sham and it takes away from the dignity and commitment of my relationship with my 'PARTNER'...and while I'm at it, I'm so frakking sick of hearing straight married people refer to their spouses as their 'partners'. Frak you, you have a 'HUSBAND' or 'WIFE'! I can't say that I have a wife, so don't demean me, or try to identify with me or come down to 'my level' like a kindergarten teacher kneeling down and talking slowly to one of her students; WE have partners, you have spouses, so don't be impinging on our terminology until I can say, my WIFE! Too bad the people who read this aren't the guilty ones.
I guess I need to call mom and celebrate Obama's win.
Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008
The full effect of Carol as Mom
Sadly, I am not computer adept enough to flip the image, but I think it adds to the disturbing nature that it is meant to convey.
Oh, I forgot to mention in the other blog that my new and improved mother called tonight to make sure that I had voted for Obama. I love her.
Halloween, mom, computer

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Presently behind

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thoughts on cold and learning
A couple years ago, I was teaching a bunch of am classes in January and February, and it was a particularly cold winter. My toes and fingers would be numb and/or painful until about 11 am. During the classes while I was freezing my various body parts, it made me wonder how much my students could really learn when they were freezing their butts off. Learning is such an individual process; we all learn in different ways, we need different input/stimuli etc, but when we add in these adverse conditions, aren't we really doing a long-term disservice to our students? But who am I to ask? Just a mere lackey!
Friday, October 17, 2008
jemez 008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Jemez 023
Sunday, October 12, 2008
the fear of rejection

Friday, October 10, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008
Give us whiskey, screw the wine, we're the class of 89
There was a time when I had this fantasy of going back to say to people, "That's 'Dr. Robinson'!", but I've gotten over it. I am a different person now, and I would hope that the people I went to high school are different as well. So, anyway, I don't really have a whole lot of desire to drive 900 miles for the sake of curiosity...and I did promise myself that the next time I left the state it would be for a real vacation, and sorry, going to ND does not count as a vacation.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sunday afternoon
Friday, October 3, 2008
Before and After?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
More from the Jemez trip

in response to the last blog...
Hi Lu!
I don't have a blogger account and so can't comment on your blog, but
this is what I wrote and tried to send:
You began blogging because you wanted to learn to speak up about what
was going on in your life. You wanted to throw out your ideas to the
world and notice that neither the world nor you will fall apart as a
result of saying what is on your mind. ... and of course, as Jeremy
points out, you might also write something that other people want to read.
So are you now confident that you can speak up about who you are and
what you think at any time? If so, blogging has done the first job you
asked it to do.
Is it narcissistic? A bit. Does that matter? Not at all. If you were
forcing us to read your texts, that would be one thing. But all you do
is put it out there. If we want to catch it and read it, then it's all
good for us.
So stop or continue as you like, but don't stop because you think there
is something wrong with blogging.
So, thank you to Jeremy and Lydia. Hmm, both of you have a "y" in your name. I'm sure that has some sort of signifigance. Or perhaps I just need another chocolate chip cookie. ...and that is what happens when you write what you are thinking.
Focus. Has blogging done the job? It has gotten me on the path, but there is much work to be done, so I will write on!!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
What am I doing, and why am I here?

Saturday, September 20, 2008
wishing i had a waterproof camera
Thursday, September 18, 2008
yes, yes, I need to get a life...
Monday, September 15, 2008
jemez 012

Friday, September 12, 2008
spiritual malaise
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
zen or not to zen?

In my last job I came across a woman who is a psychologist, but she specializes in spirituality, and I was thinking that maybe it was time to pay her a professional visit. I can live with just about anything when my spiritual life is in order, and the truth is, I am doing fine as is, but I know it can be better- and it has been better. I want that back.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
She had called me on my birthday and left a message (I was out of town), and then she called a couple of other times without leaving a message. Guilt got the better of me, and it felt less straining to just deal with whatever dysfunction she might present than wrestle with my guilt.
Happily, we had a decent conversation. The gist of which can be summed up with, "I am really happy mom...and I'm in love."
"That is so wonderful honey; if my baby is happy, I am happy." 'scuse me while I retch. It's great that I have a mother who wants to be somehow involved in my life, it's a shame she happens to smoother me in the process...and it's a shame she wasn't there for me when I needed her. oh well, what ya gonna do?