the truth is that I know the truth...i know my truth. I've been having this little dilemma because I kinda got fixed up with two different women at the same time. Being the big nerd that I was I didn't really think anything would work out with either of them. Also, I was thinking, "if I have these two women to navigate at the same time, being the loyal-to-a-fault person I am, I won't be jumping in the sack right away, and thus won't be falling 'in love' with someone that I don't really know yet".
So as it turns out, both women are interested in getting to know me. The one wasn't able to get together for a couple weeks (today being the big day) and in the mean time I've been seeing the other woman pretty regularly. It was getting to a point with the woman I was already seeing (C for the sake of ease) where we were both thinking about taking thangs a little bit further and she still didn't know about girl # 2 (S for the sake of ease). I had gotten some advice earlier that was basically, "If you're not screwing, they don't need to know about each other. They'll just shut down if they know you're see someone else". This being a person I respected, I went with it, even though it felt awkward. SO. Back to "so when are we going to kiss?". At this point I called Simu and asked her advice. "The truth shall set you free! If you can't have honesty, what do you have? Besides if C really likes you she will respect you even more for being honest." That felt good. Before I spoke to Simu, I was thinking about my other friends would say, and the truth is, most of them would scoff at me for being up front with these women. So, I told C about the pending date and she didn't throw #33 pho bowl in my face. And we made out a couple days later. (Simu also suggested waiting 6 weeks; we tried. Sorta)
So next we have S. I was really stressing about meeting up with her because I wasn't sure what to tell her. The truth? The whole truth? This time I turned to my philosophical friend Jeremy (who happens to be my seperated at birth, long lost nerd twin brother). After many of his in depth soul searching conclusions, once again The Truth won out. So, I met S, we had a nice lunch, and when she asked if we should meet again informed her that I was indeed seeing another woman. I did fear her reaction, but refreshingly enough, she is "sick of lesbians who want to get married after the first date" and was happy to hear that keeping things light was my agenda. I really do prefer the truth, but I'm always afraid that people will be offended by it. Who woulda thunk the truth could be so refreshing?