As I was walking boo-boo this morning I was keenly aware of the beauty of this new day. I could feel the heat in the air, but the strong breeze kept the heat from lingering to long in one spot and becoming uncomfortable. It is one of those mornings that would best be spent nursing a good cup of coffee and writing on a novel. Instead I have to get ready for work, but before I leave, I leave with a random passage from Thich Nhat Hanh's Interbeing:
Aware of the suffering created by attachment to views and wrong perceptions, we are determined to avoid being narrow minded and bound to present views...We are aware that the knowledge we presently possess is not changeless, absolute truth. Truth is found in life, and we will observe life within and around us in every moment, ready to learn throughout our lives. (the photo was taken at the Zen Gardens in Portland. I love my hair there. Didn't love it then...but, truth is found in life. The shirt was given to me by my friend Jerry, the father of my friend Noreen. He was a great guy who died of cancer a couple of years ago...yet anothe father figure who slipped away...but I am very grateful for the moments I got to have him in my life...I love ya Jerry, I hope you got Buddhified)
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