Born on cattle sale day
While I was getting some photos of my dad, I came across some other stuff that was stuffed in the album including this pix of me and Charley Brown, as well as my baby book. Until a couple of years ago, I had no idea mom had kept a baby book for me, and she actually managed to log in it up to 6 1/2 weeks (following object with eyes). In the photo I'm 4 1/2 and this is the spring that my mom got a bunch of bottle-fed calves and named them all after Peanuts Gang characters. By C.B.'s back leg is one of my favorite childhood toys, a plastic motorcycle...go figure. And if you are wondering what special event happened on my birthday, check out the title of this post! ooooo, and I would like to point out that for the first time in my blogging history, the spell checker gave me the "no misspellings" message!
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