Friday, June 27, 2008

the saga continues...

I'm really struggling with how to handle giving my 2 weeks notice at work. Sure I could just say "hey Bryan, this is my 2 weeks notice", but I have so much more to say than that. And by more I'm not thinking of all of the hateful things I want to say, no, it's the "wake up and smell the coffee, man", stuff I want to say. I want to let him know how hurtful his constant accusations and innuendos of me not really being sick when I've called in were. I want to tell him how frakking loyal I was to this company until this last incident. And I want to tell him what a loyal frakking crew that he has now, and if he doesn't change his frakking attitude, he is going to loose everyone of them. But I'm afraid, that as is my usual Karma, he won't hear it. What he'll hear instead is some accusation against him that he will deny, and my message to him will be blocked by a brick wall. So, how do I smoothly exit this situation WITHOUT any regrets. And why is it I can care so little about big things, and care so much about little things?


brian said...

Having been on both sides of this equation, I can honestly say, on the way out is not what to bring these things up. You will be written off as a "Psycho" or at least discredited because you must be disgruntled.
Not to mention what the remaining employees will have to contend with afterwards.
Not caring about them is worse than hating them completely.
I once wrote an eloquent resignation letter that said something like "It is unfortunate that XYZ Company and I could not fulfil our mutual needs. My immediate co-workers are a a loyal and hard-working group that should be able to succeed in anything they set their mind to. I wish them all the luck in the future and hope they can overcome whatever obstacles they may meet."
Good luck!

Rosa said...

Go with Brian's advice is my advice. Keep your mouth shut, get a decent reference, and move on, sister! But above all, stop obsessing because it'll only wreck *you*, not the boss.

Hope you're feeling better anyway--