There is a theme in my mother's life, and that theme is Not Letting Go. It is a theme that I inherited and one that I work very hard to, ahem, let go of...although if you read the last post you know that there are some areas I am not doing so well in. Before I left for ND, I had a friend do a birth-chart for my mother. Said friend wasn't well, so I wasn't able to pick it up til today, but even in her chart, Not Letting Go is the little wise-ass at the front of the class with her hand in the air squealing "pick me, pick me". The other theme that surfaced in her chart was My Life Will Never Get Any Better. Another inheritance from my mother I do my best to run from...I need to keep working on my cardio fitness as that shit runs awefully fast and never seems to tire.
You might be asking yourself, "Well, does mama have any good qualities?" I'm glad you asked. My mother is charismatic, she is a tireless worker, she is loyal, in her youth she was quite the beauty, and she persevered through one hell of a shitty life. Fortunately, I was able to pick a few of these characteristics as well. I figure if I can incorporate a little balance and a whole lotta Positive in my life and the appropriate Letting Go, my mom's gifts to me will be pretty frakking awesome.
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