Thursday, January 29, 2009

Questions you should not have to ask.

When I demo fish oil, people usually ask, "Does it taste like fish?" I of course have to maintain professionalism, so my very polite answer is, "Well, it is fish oil, so yes you are going to have some 'fish' taste."
Then there is, upon seeing one of my tattoos, "Did that hurt?" Well, as Teresa says, "Are you ready for hundreds of little knives?" Uh, yes, it does hurt. Fortunately I have stopped screaming at this point in the video.

Better with age

This statue lives in a friend's garden. Every time I go visit I admire this statue. Today I asked if I could take a picture of it. She said that most people think she should get rid of it because it's signs of aging. She and I both agreed that she looked better for her age...she is the Sophia Lauren of E's garden.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

another picture

I'm not exactly sure what this is or what is says, but it looks cool.
I learned today that a dear friend may have a serious illness. I'm trying to remain calm about this, since the test results won't be back until Friday, but it is very hard not to have big feelings about the "what ifs". It has been a reminder to not put off the important things until 'later'.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Magnum PI

In my Lifestyle and Career class, our teacher gave us an assignment to go through our house pretending that we are a PI, and figure out what makes this person tick. Basically what I discovered is that much of my life is "boxed up", and I'm not just talking about things that I still haven't unpacked from the move. I'm not quite sure what all of this means yet, but it did disturb me a bit to make this discovery.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

An angel got her wings...

Well, she still has a little healing to do, but here is a preview. I'll put on my kilt for a nice picture later...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Well, I've been trying somewhat successfully to get back to earth after the trip. I have only seen one client this whole week, and my supervisor has been out sick most of the week. I have managed to do absolutely no homework, but am hoping to start wrapping my head around it this weekend. I am having a severe case of needing a vacation after the vacation. Speaking of vacation; here are some more pictures.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Alright, here are some pictures

Let's just get down to business.
While in Santa Cruz we ate, slept, watched TV, went to the Rosicrucian museum, and of course I got my tattoo. Once it is fully healed I'll get the updated Serra on the site.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Tomorrow we leave for home. We have decided to drive until our butts hurt, so I don't know if we will be home late tomorrow or sometime on Wednesday. I've decided that I want to move somewhere where I can walk to the places I need to get. It was very refreshing to be here in Santa Cruz where I could do that. On a completely different note; my tattoo is healing quite nicely and I haven't touched my homework.

oh. so we've been doing a great deal of channel surfing. It has been very disturbing to see all of the crap on TV. One new series, "Tool Academy", is a reality show with 20-something, ahem, "tools". How is it that Firefly gets canceled, but we get shows like Tool Academy? Thank Goddess for Tivo.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

greetings from santa cruz

OK, so I remembered the camera...but I forgot to bring the cord, so I will have to overload all three of you, my readers when i get home. My tattoo is complete, Chris and I went to the Rosicrucian Museum today, and of course, we have eaten a great deal of yummy food.

And what the frak is up with Battlestar?

Monday, January 12, 2009


A few months back I taught a women's self defense class to some of the volunteers at the agency. The was the last class I've taught since, and although I love teaching I was starting to think that it might be time to retire...the truth is that I have spent more money than I will ever make teaching the class, and quite frankly I get the snot beat out of me teaching it...and I have to say; I'm not as young as I used to be.

So today, my friend Katy who set up the class peaks her head into the office where I am studying. "I have something kinda cool and kinda bad to tell you." I pulled my ear buds out so she could tell me her story. She then proceeded to tell me how one of my students and her mother were at the bank and some guy got into their car and tried to rob them. The mother froze, but my student remembered what I had taught her and proceeded to open up a can of whoop a$$ on the guy.

That right there makes the class worth teaching, so I will continue to ignore my doctor's wishes and I will keep teaching as long as the students keep coming.

See you in a week...

Well, Kids, tomorrow I leave for Santa Cruz to get Serra Avenger completed. Photo's to come. I will be bringing the laptop, so if I can get access to Wifi, which I would suspect i can in CA, I will be sharing the trip pictorially. Love and kisses.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

OK, I really am better now

2 weeks. 2 frakking whole weeks I was sick. I am happy to report that I really am better now, in spite of the many false starts I had. I keep trying to convince myself that it was better to get sick on my break than during school/internship, but I have a really hard time actually believing that as I was really looking forward to my break. I had no spectacular plans...I was going to rest (ok, I did do some of that), organize all the things that I haven't really unpacked yet, catch up with my neglected friends, organize the garage, and catch up on the stack of books that are collecting dust. None of those things got done...and I'm trying to be all Zen about it. But it ain't happening just yet.