Tuesday, November 22, 2011


What is with this love/hate relationship I have with my blog? I wrestle with the narcissism of it all, and the opportunity to have a voice (for all two of my readers to hear). And really, my life seems so boring after the 3rd post about how much I love highland games and my tattoos. Am I really so shallow...and/or hollow? There are things that I have to say, but I don't think I'm ready to say them, or hear them myself...so I guess this is just practice while I work up to what I really have to say.


Rosa said...

Hey, Chica.

I had no idea you were updating again even semi-regularly.

I will say about the blog and open/honesty is that in my experience, it's sometimes easier to post some things on a blog that people you know don't have access to (I have one of those, too). So you might consider a stealth blog? Either way, writing anything is more brave than writing nothing, so give yourself credit for that!

Love ya, Chica! (@.-)/`

Cowgirl71 said...

Oh Rosa, I love you!