Friday, February 21, 2014


My insomnia and anxiety may be in part due to hormonal crapity-doo. If so, hopefully things will mellow out soon. Slept about 7 hours last night. It was good but I am sooooo exhausted still. Trying to keep my chocolate down to a square a day just to minimize any caffeine that may be exacerbating the situation. Got a sweet little yellow puppy snuggled up to me, and a supportive wife on the other side of him. Life really isn't bad, it's just the internal storm that keeps me from seeing the good stuff around me. Gratitude. It's what i harp on to others, but what I need to focus on myself. 

I am grateful for the love from so many people in my life (i'll call you the next time I need to get bailed out of jail Mona!), for my trees, for my garlic patch, my pups, my wife, my car, the smell of horses, the smell of spring grass, the memory of my grandmother. For chocolate, and coffee, and throwing, and my kilts, and bacon socks, and laughter. And bacon. For being able to walk to the mail box, or bend over without pain. To be able to go up the stairs without having to pull myself up. For the days I can slide my foot up to the gas pedal without having to pick up my leg with my hands. For puppy dreams. For videos of baby elephants. For the people who love me when I think I'm unlovable, and who remind me that I am loved.

Thank you.


actor momma thrower said...

Any time! I can bring chocolate when I come bail you out!

Cowgirl71 said...

unsweetened, please. Now that I've gone to bakers chocolate, sweetened chocolate just doesn't taste right.