Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thoughts on cold and learning

I was off from doing internship this week as I was teaching a morning motorcycle class. You really get a sense of the weather change when you are unloading a storage locker full of motorcycles at 7:30 am. I'm not sure what the temp was when I got out there, but considering that I had to scrape the windshield on my van, and that now at 3 pm, the temp is still in the 50's, I am going to have to say that it was damn cold!

A couple years ago, I was teaching a bunch of am classes in January and February, and it was a particularly cold winter. My toes and fingers would be numb and/or painful until about 11 am. During the classes while I was freezing my various body parts, it made me wonder how much my students could really learn when they were freezing their butts off. Learning is such an individual process; we all learn in different ways, we need different input/stimuli etc, but when we add in these adverse conditions, aren't we really doing a long-term disservice to our students? But who am I to ask? Just a mere lackey!

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