Monday, May 7, 2012

Punching the "Never Again" voice in the Face. Hard.

Recovering from a summer cold...recovering very slowly from a summer cold. Getting sick has this nasty way of insidiously creeping into my psyche and convincing me that I WILL NEVER BE WELL AGAIN, or that I WILL LOSE ALL THE PROGRESS I HAVE MADE IN MY STRENGTH TRAINING. It's an annoying little voice, and a stubborn little voice, but I worked on quieting it this morning with a workout. Not the greatest workout, but a workout none-the-less. And just for today, I will work on eating a bit more healthy. And tomorrow, I will start the day saying "Just for today, I will have a better diet." And that's not to say that I've been eating like crap, but I will admit to having three cups of coffee a day complete with a teaspoon of honey a couple of times while sick just for the sake of emotional comfort. Yes kids, I am an emotional eater-I seek my comfort from sugar and flour, however for the last two months or so, I've settled for honey, coconut milk, and potatoes. I've worked on balancing "food is fuel" with, "damn it, life is too short to eat things that taste like dog crap" but it will be an ongoing struggle, and I guess I'll just have to keep learning to mindfully deal.

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