Thursday, October 4, 2012

PT update

Good news! Me and Shen had a heart-to-heart and my happy little ass didn't go near the hand bike and physical therapy was much more productive! Shen noticed that my mobility and strength are much better-yay me. The biggest thing I have to be careful of, is apparently i am quite the gesticulator, and I'm flopping my shoulder around a bit too much-it's always good to have a PT who feels free to laugh at you-it really drives home the point. 

Yesterdays PT routine included 2lb weights over head, using a 'blade' thingy-which I was way too uncoordinated for, chest presses (3lbs-look out!), and some range of motion exercises. I'm still having a little trouble with keeping my shoulder blade tucked, but it is way better than it was. Oh yeah, and more kinesio taping!

The sleeping thing is still a bitch, but the last couple of days I can say that the general pain level has dropped from about a 5 to 2 as long as I remember to support the arm, so I'm feeling much more hopeful about things.

Today's routine consisted of nothing because my lovely wife was barfing all night, and I have sympathy exhaustion. I was thinking I might do a little something tonight after work, but I caught my arm on the door at one point and rotated in a direction that it isn't quite happy with, so I'll be resting, icing, and maybe crying a little when no one is looking. This weekend I'll have a good opportunity to work my range of motion with all of my judge-ees scoring 12:00s on their cabers!

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