Thursday, August 15, 2013

the waves

Ok, so doing much better after yesterday's melt down. Have to have those every now and then. At least I do. For now.

Yesterday was a good reminder of how the accumulation of stress, physical pain, and lack of quiet can make me a little crazy. I know for most folks the sound of the surf is relaxing and such, but for me it's just constant NOISE. Constant noise. And how I just need some silence.

And this is a good metaphor for my mind. Let me tell ya; it's like the surf up there in my head. Constant, powerful waves of noise. Fortunately, I am able to quiet the noise, but it takes a lot of effort and it takes having a quiet space for me to do so. Just like exercise and eating right, this needs to be a daily practice for me, this finding my own still point, but I easily get distracted/off track. Perhaps my public confession will help me get back on track, and stay on track.

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