Tuesday, October 15, 2013

ice cream, ho!

Food Addiction, Activate!
Um, yeah.

I'm trying to be good, but all I can think about is food. In fact I'm going to go get some more coconut ice cream right now.

Hope you don't mind if I type with my mouth full.

On the good side I'm not eating a chocolate malt with a bag of fudge stripe cookie 'spoons', but I sure as hell ain't eating spinach and celery either.

The further away I get from percoset...Thursday will be 2 weeks, the more normal-ish I feel, however the reality that I've had to leave my career, and I can't get a fricking job outside of that field is kicking my ass. Sprinkle on top of that that I can't physically do so many things that I enjoy doing...well, I'm in a snit. I feel like a big f'ing loser.

I had a nice lunch with a friend, and was feeling a little less loser-ish, then right after I ran into two women I went to massage school with...they both seemed to have their shit really together...like adults...and i felt like a capital L, Loser next to them. they're still practicing, they are gainfully employed, they have families and activities...me? I did practice til why wrists blew out 5 years into it, but since then...I can't even count the jobs...my resume looks like a fricking...I don't know...like something gross blew up on a piece of paper.

So here I am with my bowl of ice cream.

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