Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thoughts from the shower

Years ago a friend of mine was working with a woman who was dying from vulva cancer. And I always think to myself "what a horrible way to go". And then of course I have this brief panic of "what if I get it". And I am a firm believer in 'what you put out there is what comes to you', and of course that fear calls out to the powers of the universe.
And then of course I start this dialogue in my head about how most of us women in this culture don't have a very good relationship with our vulvas. We are taught that we shouldn't want sex, that we shouldn't enjoy sex, that we are dirty, that our crotch is supposed to smell like a lemon (just in case there is any confusion here: it is NOT supposed to smell like a lemon) it's a miracle that any of us manage to break free and be sex-positive, body-positive, and of course vulva-positive.
Studies have indeed shown that the people who make lists of the things they want in life, are more likely to get those things. So, get out your purple pens and your fancy stationary and write down how much you are going to love your vulva, girls!

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