Saturday, July 26, 2008

Full Circle

When I started this blog, I was avoiding writing a paper for school. Guess what? I am avoiding writing a paper by blogging. If nothing else, I am consistent. So I have this research paper due next Wednesday night, and that is the last day of the class, so I actually do have to finish it. I kinda started on it, I opened up one of my old papers, deleted the text, and wrote in the new title, which isn't really the title, but it's a start. The research paper is for Techniques of Group Therapy, so the topic had to be anything related to 'group therapy'. The topic I decided to write about is whether or not group therapy helps trans-folk feel more long-term satisfaction with their lives. I chose this topic since I know a lot of trans folk who have had really crappy experiences in individual therapy---basically, they have to give the 'right' answers so that they can get their hormones/surgery, and they never get a chance to really process their issues around trans or anything else. Perhaps I'll share the paper when I'm done...and maybe I'll eventually have some pictures too.

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