Friday, July 18, 2008

sorry no pictures

Wow. It's almost been a week since my last day of work. I've been busily trying to catch up on papers and catch up on rest. I had expected my boss to pay out my sick time/vacation time since he had done that for previous employees, but not so much...he wiped his butt with 40 hours of my sick time. I'm trying not to be resentful but it's hard, especially since there were many times I really needed to take sick time, but I sacrificed my health for my job. My bad.

On the happy, a rep from my favorite company asked me to do demos, and I will be doing my first tomorrow. I've also had a nibble on 2 other demo jobs, which is way cool, cuz you basically set your own schedule and get paid fairly well.

On another happy, I am really happy with my new gf Chris. She has been on vacation for the last week, but we have talked everyday like sappy new lovers do, and I've enjoyed my time alone as well as my time being sappy. Ain't love grand?

Oh, and that cheap ass camera I got before my ND trip, I broke it. When I actually looked at it in the light, I somehow managed to fracture the viewing screen. Oopsie.

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