Monday, September 8, 2008

Wo bin ich? (probably completely wrong grammar)

Back in the 90's the 'Neo Tribalism' movement was something that got a lot of attention. These days it is a word I rarely hear, but one that I think is important to explore. (Neotribalism is the ideology that human beings have evolved to live in a tribal, as opposed to a modern, society, and thus cannot achieve genuine happiness until some semblance of tribal lifestyles has been re-created or re-embraced). When I first encountered the term, it was used most often to speak of the young people who were covering themselves in tattoos...people who were searching for belonging, people who had no sense of their roots trying to establish a sense of coming from somewhere. As a 'melting pot' society, most of us have lost our rituals and traditions. Many of don't even know who our great grandparents were or where they came from, and thus we don't know where we came from. I suffer this affliction myself. I have odd bits of stories here and there, but nothing I can even corroborate. Having had this need to have a sense of where I come from, today I ordered my dna kit from the National Geographic Genographic Project, for anyone interested. Like many of us, I am a mutt, but I am hoping that, general as it may be, it will give me a better sense of (back)grounding.

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