Thursday, October 6, 2011

dead dog lying, laying?

Feeling a bit melancholy this week. Perhaps it is the fall weather, or perhaps my discontent with my profession, or perhaps how poorly I did on the GRE...regardless, I'm a bit melancholy. Actually there are a number of "on-the-fence" issues I've been avoiding addressing, and one was thrust in my face today. For a number of years I have taught motorcycle safety, and the last couple of years I have pulled back for various reasons. I have continued to try to stay engaged for 2 reasons. One, because I really love to teach, and two because it is part of my identity. For some reason, it makes me feel special to be able to say that I teach motorcycle safety. I won't get into the pros and cons right now, but I can say that it has gotten to be very wearing on my body, for not enough pay off. I would love to be teaching, but I really need to find a way to teach that doesn't tear up my body. And then there is that GRE issue (sigh). Anyway, today I lay down my Motorcycle Safety Badge, and welcome the next adventure into my life.

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