Friday, October 14, 2011

meanderings of the half-awake

How do I create joy in my daily life? How do I create meaning in my daily life? I think the answer to the first question will, for the most part, answer the 2nd question. Yesterday I worked on having an awareness of creating joy while at work, and it certainly made my day much more pleasant. This will have to be an ongoing experiment.

I did have an external affirmation that I have been shifting my consciousness...a co-worker commented that during the day that I was gone she missed the positive energy I bring to the office. And that felt good...really good. The me of 20 years ago had no connection to "positive energy" that anyone, including myself would recognize.

I keep asking myself the question, "How long can I tolerate work that brings me down?" The answer the keeps coming is in the form of a book title, Man's Search for Meaning. It was written by a psychiatrist who survived the concentration camps-and it is my reminder that if I so choose, I can 'survive' quite some time, however, how long can I pull off the joy thing when surrounded by people who choose to embrace their suffering? I will work on surrounding myself with people who choose to embrace healing and wholeness. The world has had enough of suffering, as have I.

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