Wednesday, October 12, 2011

thinking aloud

I have to travel to the far corner of the state today for my work, and I totally am not digging it. I've been trying, but obviously not very hard, to change my attitude about this drive, but it ain't working. It is physically taxing to make this drive on a good day, and I've been having some wicked hip pain that is exacerbated by sitting. Soooo, how do I make this trip tolerable? I do have some Pema Chodrin cds I could listen to on the way, as well as some cds on Shamanic topics, so I could at least use the 6 hours to my brain's advantage, if not my butt's. But the challenge on my plate is to find joy in every moment, so time to stop whining and start looking. Pardon me while I finish my cup of coffee, jump in the shower, and head off on my adventure!

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