Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Who the heck am I revisited

Last time I examined the prickly question of "what brings me joy?" But the core question is really who the heck am I. I carry a number of labels, some that were given to me by others, some that I've picked up all on my own, and most of which no longer serve who I really am. They are like the old t-shirts in the bottom of one of my trunks from years ago that no longer are the right size, are worn beyond recognition, and/or simply don't appeal to me anymore-yet I still hold on to them for the sake of nostalgia.

So, a few statements/beliefs I have to re-examine:
1. "I am the shy girl." Granted, I'm still self-conscious around new people and often worry that I will say the wrong thing, but is that really being shy, or just still struggling a bit with self-esteem...because lets face it, the crazy chick who is stripper pole dancing with the high-bar at the highland games is not acting "shy".
2. "I can't finish anything I start." Are there things that I start, but don't finish? Hell to the yeah, however there are things that I do finish-my masters degree, sobriety (although that is an ongoing process, it is something I've managed to stick with for 16 years), hypnotherapy training, getting my black belt in Tae Kwon Do. However, it is so much easier to list the things that I haven't completed (which I will not do here, as it just fuels that nasty belief that I listed above)but what I have to bring into the equation from yesterday is passion. If I loose passion for an activity, there is no point in continuing said activity. At times in the past I have let the stressful situations I have found myself in sap my passion for the things I truly enjoy, so I must be mindful to not let that happen in the future.
3. "Jack of all trades, master of none." Master of none being the part I need to kick out the door. I put my irons in many fires, however it doesn't mean that I don't have mastery in any area. The reality is that there are some things that I am very good at, or that I have a great deal of knowledge about, however I have let others talk over me when I know more than them, or I have convinced myself that since I don't know EVERYTHING about a certain subject, that I am no 'master' of the subject. I know some shit, and it's time to embrace that fact,and be confident in that knowledge.
4. "I am broken." Do I have some scars? Oh certainly-some deeper than others, but I am not broken. I don't need to wear my wounds as a badge of honor anymore-instead I can be the kick ass chick from #3. I can just be-I can just be who I am today rather than a box full of shit that has happened to me for the last 40 years.

There are many more beliefs/labels to revisit, but that will do for today. Who I know that I am for right now: A highland games athlete, a teacher, a student of shamanism, a caring person, a smart ass, a lover of board games, and a woman capable of achieving her goals.

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