Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Raining Men

Another tid-bit from my friend Jeremy. I will note that he 'didn't have time to check source info'.

11/6/08; the County of Santa Clara filed a lawsuit with San Francisco and Los Angeles that petitions the California Supreme Court to direct State officials to refrain from implementing, enforcing or applying Proposition 8. The lawsuit asserts that: "the California Constitution does not allow a bare majority of voters to divest a minority group of rights conferred by the equal protection clause. The 1911 Amendment to the California Constitution creating the initiative process provides that, while initiatives can amend the Constitution to help further its purpose, initiatives cannot be used to revise its basic structure, which includes the notion of equality. Thus, Proposition 8 is not a valid constitutional amendment."

Tonight I ran into a friend who said to me, "this California thing is taking away your civil rights...this is America, you can't just do that." From the mouths of babes. I know we have come a long way in some ways, but I'm not satisfied with things being 'a little better than they used to be'...I will not be satisfied until we won't feel the need to have "Pride" parades because we have the same rights and the same responsibilities as everyone else, because we will be equal, because we will be considered 'normal'. Oh hell, we should still have parades because we're all attention whores. And we will continue to dress up like fairies and prance around in leather and/or lace to celebrate the hero's who finally stood up to the arrests, the demoralizations, the rapes, and the beatings at the hands of the police and said "No more!" the day of the Stonewall Riots.

Tonight a classmate told of being in Paris and the one lesbian float was playing It's Raining Men..."How sad was that?!"
Very sad Scott, very.

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