Wednesday, November 5, 2008

(sigh) (rant)

So I stayed up long enough to see that Obama would be our new president. This morning, non-routine conscious act was to turn on my computer to see what else had happened in the election. I was relieved to see that the democrats swept our state. The next important thing, and the thing that was really 2nd only to the presidential election was Proposition 8 in California which would define marriage as between a man and a woman. As of the moment, the measure is winning, but not all of the precincts have reported in. I'm not holding out much hope, however.

There was a time not so long ago when I didn't really care about gay marriage. I mean, certainly I wanted us to have the same legal rights as straight people, but marriage just seemed like a hassle. Today though, I want to be able to marry my girl friend if I so choose, and I so choose. We plan on waiting a while, but we know we both want to get married...but our chances for being able to do so are looking slimmer and slimmer. Certainly we could do a commitment ceremony, but, lets face it; commitment ceremonies are a table scraps, they're the cheap imitation knock-off. I don't want SPAM, I want a pork chop. I want the same legal rights as my siblings, my neighbors, my countrymen. I pay my income tax, I pay sales tax, I vote, I abide by the laws; so why is it that I don't get the same legal rights as the other 90% of the American population? When anyone can call their roommate their 'domestic partner', domestic partnership is nothing but a sham and it takes away from the dignity and commitment of my relationship with my 'PARTNER'...and while I'm at it, I'm so frakking sick of hearing straight married people refer to their spouses as their 'partners'. Frak you, you have a 'HUSBAND' or 'WIFE'! I can't say that I have a wife, so don't demean me, or try to identify with me or come down to 'my level' like a kindergarten teacher kneeling down and talking slowly to one of her students; WE have partners, you have spouses, so don't be impinging on our terminology until I can say, my WIFE! Too bad the people who read this aren't the guilty ones.

I guess I need to call mom and celebrate Obama's win.

1 comment:

actiasluna said...

The passing of Prop Hate is the only thing that could possibly harsh my squee over an Obama win. I'm so disgusted and disappointed, I don't even have adequate words. When even my *very* conservative father thought that Prop 8 was a bigoted, discriminatory piece of bullshit, it gave me hope.

I don't think I've ever referred to Jerm as my partner, but it's never really occurred to me that to do so would be problematic. I'll be mindful of that in the future. Although, in a similar vein, I would gladly "change" my marriage into a civil partnership, if there were to be a move to split the two things into separate categories--a legal one and a religious one. I don't want my life, or my marriage to be in any way associated with bigoted assholes.

Anyway, I look forward to being able to attend your wedding. You know I'll cry like a big ol' baby. That day *is* coming, because I have to believe that the world isn't entirely comprised of shitheads. Still... it's just so disheartening. I wish that day were today.
