Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stupid class and boycotts

It's almost time for the semester to be over, and oh my, am I ever burnt out. Class #1, research and evaluation...that says it all, yes?

Class #2, Human Sexuality. Ok, now you would think this would be a cool right? Yeah. Well, it is sooo not. Chapter 8, Homosexuality. "Umm, we'll get to that later."
Excuse me? Later?!

Well, it's later, and there is no time for the homosexuality chapter. She also neglected to show the scheduled homo movie for that chapter. What do we take our time up with instead?

Well, there was that 2-hour space taken up by splitting us into four groups to build penises and vaginas out of toilet paper tubes and puff balls. And there was the hour spent passing around ancient contraceptives, that I had to explain the usage of to her. Yeah. This is my $1300 hard at work. I am happy to note that everyone is pissed off about this class, particularly about having their intelligence insulted weekly.

On another note: Let the boycotts continue. Cinemark and Century Rio both contributed to Prop H8. For those of us in Burque, that means the only "dollar theatre". If your going to go, at least sneak in your own snacks cuz that is where they make their money anyway.

1 comment:

actiasluna said...

I hate classes that insult ones intelligence. When you spend that much on a class that sucks donkey, they should refund the $. Why should they be exempt from the return of defective product law?

re: movie theaters. Well shit. *sigh* I never buy their overpriced snacks anyway.