Sunday, December 7, 2008

oh yeah, more on the boycott front

Apparently the local JiffyLube franchise also donated to Prop H8. I've also gotten word that supposedly it wasn't Blake's Lotta Burger the franchise that donated, but one of the executives. Supposedly. I'm still boycotting their asses. Oh, and did you know that Hastings is another MOOOrmon owned franchise? People worry about the Homo's taking over the world...I think they should pay a little more attention to them (you know; the ones who get bonus points toward heaven for having lots of kids and converting as many 'un-civilized' people as possible---all we get is a toaster oven...and really, why do you need more than 7 toaster ovens???).

1 comment:

actiasluna said...

*sigh* I wish I didn't have to share this planet with these people. They make me ashamed to be human.

Anyway, you can download the HRC 2009 buyer's guide, here:

Very helpful in figuring out which places to avoid and which places to go to.