Monday, May 5, 2008

Falling from Grace

Some people annoy me. Like, a lot. I wish I could say otherwise, because I try hard to be a good 'Buddhist', and here I am going into the helping profession, and because of my annoyance, I am not the most loving person to said-annoying-person. Why this is particularly on my mind is because there is an 'instance' in mind. Person X was talking about something we have in common, as she often does, and I jumped in and commented on it when someone asked for details of this commonality. When I spoke of it, I was speaking more about myself than her, and believe she took offense...but because person X annoys me, I didn't bother to mention that it was my experience. As a result, I am feeling an unspoken friction. And at the moment I knew that I was antagonizing X. And I would like to right it, but at the same time I DON'T WANT TO. Perhaps that is the part that bothers me the most. And I'm not exactly sure how to make it better..."Hi so-and-so. I'm sorry you annoy me and as a result I unintentionally say things to annoy you back". I don't think that that is the way it works.

It's hard being conscious sometimes. But I'll take it over the alternatives.

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