Thursday, August 7, 2008

I work hard for my money...

This was a comment made to me by an ex girl friend in regards to me getting a tattoo. I was reminded of this comment when my current gf asked me if it bothered me that she spent "so much money" on her tattoos. Like me, she had an ex who gave her grief about spending her money on tattoos. Here is the way I look at it...I work hard for my money. My ex made twice as much money as I did, and I will say her job was a bit more cushy than mine, so if I'm working as hard for half the money, then I figure I'm damn well free to do with my money as I please, as long as I've paid all of my bills first. Secondly, at least in my case, said ex had a huge assed flat screen TV, full cable, and took vacations. I personally don't waste my money on such things, for me they are extravagances I can live with out...I would much rather save up what money I can for my private art collection. And really, what business does someone I have known for a couple months have judging me for how I spend MY money, as long as I'm not spending it on hookers and a gambling addiction?

1 comment:

brian said...

I'm with you.....but now I want to get another tattoo.