Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Todd's Pen

Moving always means going through those piles of 'stuff' that litter our worlds. Piles of stuff that we carry from place to place, because 'someday' we'll need or want something out of that pile. I admire my friend TokyoRosa as she doesn't feel the need to carry around cumbersome piles. My piles are getting smaller, but I still have plenty o' piles.

Back to Todd's pen. When I was in college, my friend Brian found a pen with the name "Todd" printed on it. Rather than pocket the pen as most of us would have, Brian made posters for Todd's lost pen. Mind you this wasn't a fancy pen; no not a Sailor or a, well whatever fancy expensive pen. No, this was your standard white plastic bic with black lid, but it had Todd's name on it. So, the campus and neighboring neighborhoods were littered with posters asking; "Are you Todd? Are you missing a pen?" and so on, complete with contact information and even a photograph of said pen. I won't keep you in suspense. Todd did claim his pen. And now, I'm trying very hard to throw away the copy of said poster, but a voice in the back of my head says, "there is plenty of room to hang it on the garage wall". Hmmm. I think that's what I'll do...

1 comment:

brian said...

I think Todd was happy to be reunited with his long lost friend--the pen. Someday I too hope to have a Bic with my name on it!