Saturday, June 21, 2008

an exercise in freaking out

A few months back I was telling my friend M that I needed to find a gf. Really, at the time I think I just needed to get laid, but that's beside the point. So anyway she kept telling me I should come to the speed-dating thing...which I thought was a completely terrifying prospect, but she eventually convinced me somehow that it would be a good thing. So, it snuck up on me. Tonight was the night, and I had promised, and dammit I can't go back on a promise, and I couldn't think of a really good lie for getting out of it, so I went.

On the drive over I was trying to decide if I had the stomach flu, or if I was just having nervous stomach. Now that it's over my symptoms are gone so I will assume that it was just nerves. After the experience, I'm just not convinced that speed dating is a really good way for me to meet people. Maybe if I actually would have been actively looking for a potential gf, but I wasn't at that moment and so I felt like a fake, I guess because I was. Don't get me wrong, there were some cute girls, and some that I would like to get to know. There were also some scary chicks...and everyone was asking "where do you work?", and having not anticipated that question, I hadn't come up with a good deflection or lie, so there are a number of people who know where I work, and I'm just hoping that they don't turn out to be stalkers. Anyways, I've had my speed dating experience. I guess if you know what you want, it might work out alright, and perhaps it was a good exercise for me in putting myself out there and doing something outside of my comfort zone...which i so rarely do.

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