Tuesday, June 17, 2008

where's my blankey

I am so frakking tired. I know I'm still recovering from my trip, but shit, I'm overwhelmed. Days like this I am ready to scrap my job and live off of my student loans for a while. Which I don't think is that bad of an idea...for awhile. There are so many things I would like to be doing...like taking a writing workshop on the weekends, teaching more motorcycle safety courses, and of course; more writing, but I just can't do it with my work schedule. This feels to much like slipping back into the old patterns of perceived obligation vs. doing things that bring me satisfaction...and I don't dig that.

1 comment:

brian said...

I longed for some quiet time to write. I fought and fought and fought for it. Worked ahead on a few projects and made the time happen. I sat down in my chair with a laptop and completely drew a blank.
Call it performance anxiety. Now I think I do my best from scribbles on business cards and and notes scrawled on Post-Its.
Of course, don't listen to me....I think you are a well-adjusted human being.