Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ranty, rant, ran

Oh there are so many thoughts floating in my head, which one do I write about? Shall it be butchering, sex, or quitting my job (these are each separate topics, btw)? Or how about fire-pig? I tried to take a pix of fire-pig, but my camera is very fickle. When I was in ND, my mother was very excited to take me to the feed store and get me a pig-lighter that shoots flames out it's nostrils. Very handy for when you are smoking two cigarettes at a time.

Oh, let me tell you about quitting my job. If you've been keeping up with the blog, you may have picked up on the fact that I haven't been feeling well. So yesterday I called in sick for today. I called my co-worked to pass along the message because it never fails that when I talk to the boss he gives me all this grief about taking a sick day. So, I thought I was in the clear til I got a phone call a couple hours later that happened to be from the boss. "You know I'm a little uncomfortable with you taking more time off. I mean you just had time off, and it was scheduled and all, but still I'm a little uncomfortable with this. And, we just gave you the 4-day week, but I'm still not comfortable with you taking more time off." The response I wanted to give him was, "what the frak do you think I'm doing here? Sitting by the pool sipping pina coladas?...I would lie down on the frakking railroad tracks to save this company, yet all I ever get from you is passive aggressive bull-S***, so why don't you just suck my cock and shove your job up your butt." But instead I said "Yeah, if I feel better, I'll come in". And the big bug up his butt is that we are under-staffed, which he decided to do on his own to save money, while at the same time dumping a bunch of money into our web-site...and the web-site is supposed to be going live but they're still having problems with it, so I'm an asshole for getting sick and taking time off. The moral of the story here is that I am sick of giving my all to a job, compromising my own health, and getting no appreciation in return, SO, tomorrow when I go in, I give my two week notice, and if he starts more of his passive aggressive tantrum crap, I might just walk out a little sooner, because life is too damn short to be this unhappy with a place I spend so much time at every week.

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